Tuesday, February 24, 2009

No Brainer

Another unpublished cover of Leo swimming in brain fluid. This one was for TMNTA #65.


Mica said...

OMG, that pic is TOO awesome. Wish they had used that pic :)

Anonymous said...

One more reason why I wish ALL TMNTA would be re-printed in color trades. I never did pick up any issues, except for the last three, one involving a turtle tot story line.

Roseangelo said...

Oh, you are missing out, Neil!!!

Some of the issues are being reprinted this year, so you better get them!!

~ tOkKa said...

-->> ..ahh whazzuh matter , Leo .. Cat got your mendula ??

Cat Blackard said...

Nothing this year has me more excited than the resurrection of TMNT Adventures.

Forever War has been a loose end in my psyche for far too long.

I hope we'll be seeing more amazing unpublished Chris Allen art. It's getting me really hyped.

Vaughn Michael said...

Man that's amazing, I love that entire storyline so much.
TMNT + Zombies = Awesome

Mondo Gecko said...

truuue that
still need the mutanimals back man:)
that will be our job^^
comic progress is coming along well. though its been rather slow for me lately......

dark turtle said...

So creepy, yet so awesome.

Daniel Schwarz said...

Mmmmmm... brains

~ tOkKa said...

-->> ** The actual cover :: Wondering if they just wanted you guys to throw the Cyber Suits on the Turtes for the covers to help sell more toys.


NoGhostSaturn said...

I loooove unreleased TMNTA goodies. Got any more? :)