Wednesday, January 7, 2009


This gets our vote as a better Burne figure. Not much potential there anyway but Pete did put an imaginative twist on it. Such a shame Playmates passed on it.


Ectopaul said...

I'm maybe going to go against the flock on this one but I like the Burne we got (minus all the weird stuff they did to him, like make his clothes not fit and him always eating a sandwich).

Vaughn Michael said...

I'm with Ecto I'm a stickler for correct figures looking as they did on the show and the figure Playmates put out was pretty darn close.
This would have been an interesting concept but I just don't know about something like that happening to Burne.

Ninjatron said...

Now that is wild. Reminds me a little of that Classic Spider-man story where Spidey fights against a robot that had a screen with JJJ's face on it.


~ tOkKa said...

-->>'d been a nice COMPANION to the Burne fig.

I frreeeekin' loved that toy, .. he was so phat n' fun. Hell his weapon was a darn type writer and literal Club sandwich.

I wish this thing woulda been made and had like this funky accessory with it:: .. a remote control colander helmet with diodes and sorts of ' B ' movie looking stereo-type scientific stuff.

Burn could control the damm bot with the power of his FCC hatin' mind and like Ninjatron eludes to.. go after the turtles and and could shoot rocket VHS tapes from his nuclear Video machine there.

O' F7ck @@!!


~ tOkKa said...

-->> ..Also ..


the Toon Burne figure is the only TMNT toy in history to have a piece of toilet paper stuck to the bottom of his shoe as part of the sculpt.


The S said...

Without the arms and legs, it might also make a pretty cool The Ring toy....

Damn that one from NECA being canceled....

Anonymous said...

That could have been a fun story idea :). Some kind of machine mutant from Dimension X turns the earthers into walking droids :).

That'd be a fun sculpy challenge, if my sculpy ever actually ships.

But, on topic, I don't remember much of the toon turtle figures, but I remember them being far more accurate than pantless Shredder was :)

I'll have to see how easy it is to sculp things and try doing my own toon to toy figures...