Ever wanted an original turtle drawing by Peter Laird, hand-colored by Steve Lavigne?
Well, my friend, you're in luck!
Just like back in the old days, Peter and Steve have joined forces to bring you great original paintings of your favorite turtles!
Why incur all those incidental expenses of going to a show to get your special piece of Laird/Lavigne art when you can save all the time and money spent on gas, admission, food etc., and put it ALL towards that great piece of art! No wasted time standing in line, just step right up and get your art today !
These two are available for sale right now on Steve's ebay auctions, just search "Peter Laird Art" and they should be there. You can also email Steve at screaminged02@yahoo.com for details.
This is great! Besides the turtles will you do requests for other mirage or archie universe characters?
This is exciting.
OOOOOO!!!! *runs to email*
-->> ..i'll add this to my news round up ,Steve n' B.. along with the price list for the commissions .. >v<
OMG... That is freakin' awesome. Are those the only two pieces you've got for sale, or will there be more to come? I really love the Leo drawing, but if those are the only two up for sale, I'm afraid I'll get outbid by someone else.
I've been good this year, Santa. :)
>hint, hint<
"...Are those the only two pieces you've got for sale, or will there be more to come?..."
I don't know. Pete and Steve are running the show so best if you email Steve-O and get the answers straight from the horse's mouth.
I just work here.
"...i'll add this to my news round up ,Steve n' B.. along with the price list for the commissions ..."
Thanks tokka!
Oh , and Murph, nice try but did you actually think we'd believe you've been good! Ha!
-->> (Posted .. )
..that's what i'm here for..
8) ..
as well as to devour all your souls..
BONK** ** ..>v<
These look kick-butt! I like the blog all together too. Fun stuff!
ooooh.. Niiice.....pwetty.... *runs off to ebay*
Well... before I could even bid, someone snatched both of them up with the Buy it Now feature!
*le sigh*
Congrats on the sales!!!
Everyone get ready...I talked with Steve and the next one to be offered up will be a full colored GROUP SHOT!
Holy Moley!
They are having fun with this so there will be more... as the mood strikes them.
And remember this is original art, not prints.
funkidrumr said...
These look kick-butt! I like the blog all together too. Fun stuff!
Many thanks funkidrumr! Please keep in mind Steve and I are old and slow with one foot in the grave already so you'll have to bear with us. We're not up to speed with all you young, tech-savvy whipper-snappers out there.
-->>Was tellin' Steve ..gonna have to save up.. ((also try to hint to Santa ,we'll see)) ..for a commission piece.
I'll continue to follow your sales and pimp them on the news and feeds n' such.
..along the way ..other properties in the vain of TMNT but to a cattleular effect have entered and crossed-over by now into the Turtle's lexicon ..
..so ..um.. while your foot's half way in the grave there.. while yir down there..
i'd like you look up an old friend..
just out of curiosity's sake..
will there be any chance in hell-high down tarnootin' and tarnashun..there'd be any gun slingin' Cattle in any upcoming artworks ..i mean outside of 'TALES .. -' ??
..you are aware also .. are you not.. ((thanks to people like ROSE.. ))..
there are efforts for those Saspirilly drinkin' bastitches to finally see the light of day on thse new fandangled Digital Video Disc players we's usin' out here in the westward parts n' tumbleweeg vallies south of Denver.
I mean this is 'Cowlorado'..
so ..um .. if you can read thru' all my slap happy euphemisms
..would you be able to shed some light on this cow town for us Montana Morons and Dakota Dorks ??
Serious.. the W.W.C -.B.O.M.M. bug bit me long ago an i ain' been right never since..
yep.. !! ..>v<
Shout! Factory expressed some initial interest in releasing Wild West C.O.W. boys of Moo Mesa on dvd. But when the idea reached CBS/King World talks hit a brick wall.
King World/CBS just doesn't like or have any faith in the property and they look upon it as pretty much a failure.
Since the very beginning i've heard basically 2 opinions..."Moo Mesa is awesome!" or "cows as cowboys riding horses? That's just stupid!"
There's some discussion on the www.shoutfactory.com message board about Moo Mesa dvd's but everyone feels there is just not enough fans to warrant a dvd release.
As you can read on their message board Shout! Factory must sell at least 15,000 to make it worthwhile. So, as it stands right now there will be no Moo Mesa dvds.
If you'd like to make your opinion known and want Moo Mesa DVD's you can contact King World/CBS
at :
-->> ..SHOCK ** !!
Darnit.. they don't make a nice set of these i'll be so depressed i'll hit the saspirilly bottle harcore !! !!
..ok you bet.. i'll message em as well as post this quote on the news blogg !! !!
Will get those Cud Slingers out in the Vid stores yet !! >v<
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